Here was the lesson plan for day two, a continued review of Antebellum reform movements.
Day Two
Formulate questions through inquiry and determine importance of historical events.
Analyze primary and secondary sources.
Students- Pen/pencil; binders with paper
Teachers-Northrup excerpt handouts; Uncle Tom’s Cabin handout
Do Now: What is the difference between a primary source and a secondary source? List three examples of each that would relate to Antebellum reform and/or slavery. Which do historians generally deem more reliable and why?
-Discuss homework assignment from last night: how did you decide who was worthy of making history and who wasn’t.
-Adapted Lesson Plan 1 from Eve’ry Voice
-View frontispiece from Twelve Years as a Slave by Solomon Northup, 1853
-Read excerpt from Northup’s book. Is this a primary or secondary source on slavery? What makes it so?
-Divide students into small groups. Have them answer the following questions:
Why did Northrup react the way he did?
Why did Burch behave so brutally?
-If time allows, discuss slave narratives. Tell them many of them will read the most famous slave narrative, Frederick Douglass’s autobiography, in their English class this year.
-Review definitions of primary and secondary sources
Homework: Read excerpt from Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Assessment: Students will have a mini-quiz tomorrow on today’s lesson and the homework
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